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半 保 留 式 复 制的英文

"半 保 留 式 复 制"怎么读


  • semiconservative replication
  • "半"英文翻译    half
  • "保"英文翻译    defend; protect
  • "留"英文翻译    remain; stay
  • "式"英文翻译    type; style
  • "复"英文翻译    repeated; double; duplicate
  • "制"英文翻译    make; manufacture
  • "半 伏 卧 式" 英文翻译 :    semiprone position
  • "结 构 化 程 式 编 制" 英文翻译 :    structured programming
  • "系统,制 ,系 ,纲 ,法 , 式" 英文翻译 :    system
  • "留" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(停止在某处不动; 不离去) remain; stay 久留 stay long; 领导指示我们留在原地不动。 the leadership instructed us to remain where we were. 今天我不出去了, 我留在家里工作。 i won't go out today; i'll stay in and work.2.(使留; 不使离去) ask sb. to stay; keep sb. where he is 挽留 persuade sb. to stay; 拘留 detain; hold in custody; 他们一定留我吃晚饭。 they insisted that i stay for supper. 我只留你几分钟。 i shall not keep you more than a few minutes.3.(注意力放在某方面) concentrate on 留神 be careful; take care4.(保留) reserve; keep; save 留底稿 keep a draft; reserve a manuscript; 留午饭 save food for sb.'s lunch; 他们答应给他留个房间。 they promised to save a room for him.5.(蓄; 留长) let grow; grow; wear 留胡子 grow a beard [moustache]; 留辫子 wear plaits; 留短发 wear one's hair short; have short hair; have bobbed hair6.(收留) accept; take 留下了赠品 accepted the gift; 请留下这个小小礼物作为纪念。 please accept this little gift as a souvenir.7.(遗留) leave behind 留演说给听众留下了深刻的印象。 his speech made a strong impression on the audience.8.(留学) study abroad 留英 study in englandⅡ名词(姓氏) a surname 留梦炎 liu mengyan
  • "保" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(保卫; 保护) defend; protect 保家卫国 protect our homes and defend our country; 保乌纱帽 protect one's official post2.(保持) keep; preserve; maintain in good condition 保水保肥 preserve moisture and fertility (in the soil); 毛衣穿了能保暖。 wearing a sweater will keep us warm.3.(保证; 担保做到) guarantee; ensure 保不住 cannot guarantee; 保质保量 guarantee both quality and quantity; 旱涝保收 ensure stable yields despite drought or waterlogging4.(担保) stand guarantor for sb.: 保外执行 [法律] serve a sentence on bailⅡ名词1.(保人; 保证人) guarantor 找保人 find a guarantor; 作保 stand as guarantor2.(旧时掌管某事之人) official in charge 少保 imperial tutor in charge of upbringing of the crown prince; 酒保 wine shop owner or waiter3.(旧时户籍的编制单位) administrative system4.(姓氏) a surname 保睿 bao rui
  • "半" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ数词1.(二分之一) half 半年 half a year; six months; 一天半 one and a half days; 减半 reduce by half2.(在 ... 中间的) in the middle; halfway 半山腰 halfway up a hill; 夜半时 in the middle of the night; 工作到深更半夜 burn the midnight oil3.(比喻很少) very little; the least bit 一星半点 very little; a wee bit; 他连半句话都不说。 he wouldn't breathe a word.Ⅱ量词(常和“一”、“两”组合成“一半”、“两半”等) 把它切成同样大小的两半。 cut it into two exact halves. 这些书有一半是德语的。 half of the books are in german. 这些学生一大半来自农村。 the students are, for the most part, from the villages.Ⅲ副词(不完全) partly 半新的 half-new; 半死的 dead-alive; 半开的门 partly-opened door; 半机械化 semi-mechanizedⅣ名词(姓氏) a surname 半乾 ban qian
  • "复" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(重复) repeated; double; duplicate 复试 second examinations2.(繁复) complex; compound 复分数 complex fraction; 复姓 two-character surname; compound surnameⅡ动词1.(转过去或转过来) turn round; turn over 翻来复去 toss in bed; 反复无常 changeable; capricious2.(回答) answer; reply 电复 reply by cablegram [telegram]; 答复 reply3.(恢复) recover; return to ; restore 复婚 restore the former marriage; 收复 recover; recapture4.(报复) revenge 复仇 avenge; revengeⅢ副词(再; 又) again; repeatedly 旧病复发 have a relapse; 故态复萌 old habits come back; return to one's old habit; 死灰复燃 dying embers glowing againⅣ名词(姓氏) a surname 复遂 fu sui
  • "制" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(制造) make; manufacture 炼制 refine; 缝制上装 sew a coat; 中国制 made in china2.(拟订; 规定) draw up; establish 因地制宜 work out measures to suit local conditions3.(用强力约束; 限定; 管束) restrain; restrict; control 节制生育 control birth rate; birth control; 抑制不住眼泪 can hardly restrain one's tearsⅡ名词1.(制度) system 公制 the metric system; 私有制 private ownership; 八级工资制 the eight-grade wage scale2.(姓氏) a surname 制浩然 zhi haoran
  • "式" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(样式) type; style 西[中国] 式 western [chinese] style; 新式 new type [style]; 他们出售各式镜子。 they sell every style of mirror.2.(格式) pattern; form 程式 pattern; form to be copied3.(仪式; 典礼) ceremony; ritual 开幕式 opening ceremony; 阅兵式 military review; parade4.(自然科学中表明某种规律的一组符号) formula 方程式 equation; 分子式 molecular formula5.[语言学] (表示说话者对所说事情的主观态度) mood; mode 叙述式 indicative mood6.(姓氏) a surname 式同 shi tong
  • "护(保)" 英文翻译 :    potestas tribunicia; potestastribunicia
  • "半r" 英文翻译 :    r rotunda
  • "一半;半" 英文翻译 :    half
  • "(复)嵴" 英文翻译 :    cristae
  • "(复)鞭毛" 英文翻译 :    flagellum, flagellae; flagellum, flagellae
  • "(复)核仁" 英文翻译 :    nucleolus, nucleoli; nucleolus, nucleoli
  • "(复)基粒" 英文翻译 :    grana
  • "(复)丝足" 英文翻译 :    filopodium, filopodia; filopodium, filopodia
  • "(复)微核" 英文翻译 :    micronucleus, micronuclei; micronucleus, micronuclei
  • "(复)伪足" 英文翻译 :    eudopodium, eudopodia; pseudopodium, pseudopodia
半 保 留 式 复 制的英文翻译,半 保 留 式 复 制英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译半 保 留 式 复 制,半 保 留 式 复 制的英文意思,半 保 留 式 復 制的英文半 保 留 式 复 制 meaning in English半 保 留 式 復 制的英文半 保 留 式 复 制怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。